Samples & Prices !

✰ These are Base Amounts
✰ Prices may vary depending on the complexity of the project!
✰ Base amounts are privy to change at any time!

Full Render

Description: A detailed, full render with highlights & shading. Borders are an optional feature!

Bust → €32
Half Body → €47
Full Body → €62
Extra Character +€15

Doodle Commissions!

Description: In-between Rendering & Flat Colours, visible line-art, less detail & more textured colours!

Bust → €27
Half Body → €37
Full Body → €47
Extra Character +€15

Flat Colours + Highlights!

Description: Visible line-art & flat colours, & only cell-shading highlights!

Bust → €17
Half Body → €22
Full Body → €32
Extra Character +€10


Extra Character +€5

• Feel free to send as many references as you'd like! Characters, articles of clothing, etc. Stickmen drawings of your vision are greatly appreciated!
• Feel free to contact me at any time for updates, a wip or anything regarding my commissions!